





Capsule Rot

This fungal disease caused by phytophthora nicotianae. It appears during the rainy season especially July-Agust. It affects leaves, tender shots, panicles and capsules. The infected capsules become dull, greenish brown and decay. Phytophthora survives in the soil with the form of hyphae and sporangia.


Remove the trash from the basal region of the plant to the extent possible. Adequate drainage should be provided in the garden during rainy season. Precaution and curing are possible by proper application of suitable fungicides.

Clump Rot

This disease is caused by pythium vexans, rhizoctonia solani and fusarium sp. It also occurs during monsoon. The major symptoms of this disease are decaying of the tillers starting from the collar region and topling of the tillers.


Remove the trash from the basal region of the plant to the extent possible. Adequate drainage should be provided in the garden during rainy season.Precaution and curing are possible by proper application of proper fungicides.

Stem Rot

This disease is caused by a fungus called fuzarium oxisporum. The pathogen attacks middle portion of the tiller and produce pale discoloured lesions on the tillers leading to dry rotting. The tiller is weakened at this portion and leads to breakage.


The affected tillers should be removed and destroyed. Precaution and curing are possible by proper application of correct fungicides.